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Puppy the Mini-Schnauzer Pictures!!!

LOOK, IT'S PUPPY! Here are pictures of my beloved Mini-Schnauzer named "Puppy" ^_^! Such a cute thing, isn't she ^_^? (she didn't kinda like it though when i made her wear the foxhound beret >.<

Aww...she just woke up in this picture ^_^. look at how puffy her mustache is ^o^

This pic was taken when she was still around 4 months old ^_^. Look at her staring at the mirror ^_^

Bright eyed and bushy tailed ^_^!

Daydreaming Puppy ^_^!

Snuggled up against the comforter ^_^

It's Puppy with my campbell foxhound beret ^o^

Peek a boo! Puppy sees you ^o^!

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