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The Matrix Agents VS Reloaded Agents

by Veznac_Smith and Cmdr. Gabe E.

Ok so what do you think of the new upgraded agents? Sure they look bigger, probably more handsome too :P (like they've been freshly picked from baywatch auditions rejects).

Now lets look at the status of these 6 fine gentlemen.

The 3 Agents on the left look like middle aged nerds. They have wrinkles, a mole here and there and they arent exactly macho men either. Aside from that, 2 out of the 3 have receding hairlines. They also look like they've gone through midlife crisis. They really don't care about their grudge appearance, with their coat all unbuttoned and what not. For short, they're the kind of guys you'd hire as your private accountant, or your lawyer --- and the kind of people you DON'T WANT in your baseball or football team (you could just imagine what they'd look like in shorts and tight pants. LOL).

Now lets compare the other 3 gentlemen on the right. These 3 Agents look like young college jocks. They play football, they get chicks, they were shades even if they're off duty, and are always invited in famous college parties. Yeah...they are the definition of cool and can kick ass at the same time. Check out their hair, perfect! And perfect complexions too. Babes dig big guys in suits. If these guys weren't busy chasing down Neo and gang they'd be busy at the photo shoot for Cleo's male model of the year. They also maintain great hygene. Check out the flawless suits, buttoned coats, etc.

So --- who's better? The upgrades, or the original agents? Heck, you're probably wondering who would win in a fight.

So we (Veznac_Smith and Cmdr. Gabe E.), told them to come back to the next day for the final SHOWDOWN!


Here we are standing right next to these fine agents from the Matrix Reloaded. As we can see, they're still dressed up as agents, probably because they think their faces and body physique are already too good enough.

And there they are! The Matrix Agents, Brown, Jones and Smith! In contrast with the Reloaded agents, these three are dressed quite different, primarily to attract squads and squads of screaming tennage fangirls.

The Physical Looks Round:

The Reloaded agents walk up to the stage and flash their smiles. Well look at the girls in the crowd! They've all fainted! Not only that, but fashion model photographers are flashing their cameras everywhere! The Reloaded gentleman are now on their way down the stage. Sorry to the Matrix1 fans, but looks like the reloaded guys just owned this round. ROUND 2:
The Physical Strength Round:

Agent Thompson walks to the Matrix1 agents, grabs Agent Brown, gives him a wedgie and then throws him to Agent Johnson. Agent Johnson then climbs up the flagpole and hangs Agent Brown there. Sorry, folks, but the Reloaded agents have won again. ROUND 3:
The Anything Goes Round:

Here it is, folks...The anything-goes round where we get down and dirty!

Agent Johnson: We have won, Smith. You 3 are...only former agents.

Smith: I think not.

Brown: We have won.

Agent Thompson: Why do you say that?

Jones: With us now being accountants and lawyers, we have drained your bank accounts, invalidated your drivers' licenses and have told the architect of your juvenile activities, such as posing nude in playgirl magazines.

Agent Johnson: WHAT?!!! Dude, where's my car?!!!

WHOA! We don't know what just went on there, but the Reloaded agents are running away screaming! Can it be? The Matrix agents have won?!

Final victors : Agents Brown, Smith and Jones

--- end ---