This is Roy's (all true and factual) character profile under Metal Gear Online. real name: Roy Campbell

sex: male

age: 60s

nationality: USA

Ex-Commander of FOX-HOUND. Though already retired from the armed forces, he has been called out because there was no other commander who could get in touch with Solid Snake. Accepted this mission in order to save his niece Meryl. Though civilian now, he shows up in a military uniform wearing a beret.

Before entering the "former" FOX-HOUND, he served in the US Marine Corps, Green Beret and Delta Force. In Foxhound, he was assigned to X.O. of the unit for his strategic planning capabilities and his battle experience. After the death of Big Boss, he discarded the code name system in the unit, and had built up the "new" FOX-HOUND making full use of various hi-tech equipment including reconnaissance satellites. After being discharged, serves as special instructor of the Marines Boots Camp. Friends with Master Miller. Called to persuade Solid, but does not know of the true story at all. Was against the FOX-HOUND's introduction of genetic treatment and steps down from Commander post. After Campbell left, the commander less FOX-HOUND returns to the code name system. Gives orders from the nuclear submarine Ohio.
